- 2019 Keynote speakers and presentationsPresentations are available below: Plenary session 1 Kristine Sørensen – Looking over or tearing down the wall: Tapping into the unleashed potential of improving health-literacy Gerard Hastings – Of Marketing and Human Folly: Time to Change the Narrative Sofa plenary 1 Zili Sloboda – Looking Over the Wall—The Future of Prevention Science and Prevention Sofa …
- 2019 EUSPR Post-conference workshopsThis year we have 3 workshops available in the morning session (9:30-12:30) and 2 workshops in the afternoon (13:30-16:30). *The workshops require a minimum of 10 participants* For workshop registration, please visit our Eventbrite page: EUSPR 2019 Post-conference workshop registration. Closing date for online registration is 8 September 2019. Post-conference workshops will take place at the Royal Academy of …
- Registration – 10th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting 2019Early bird registration deadline has been extended! Closing date for online registration is 8 September 2019. Early-bird fees are available until 15 July 2019. Full joining instructions will be emailed after the registration closing date. The link to our online payment and registration service (Eventbrite) is at the bottom of this page. Registration is open …
- Tenth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, September 16th – 18th 2019, Ghent, BelgiumEUSPR 2019 is being held in Ghent, Belgium on 16th and 17th September 2019, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the 18th. Our theme this year is ‘Looking over the Wall’ and our keynotes and special sessions will focus on optimising cross-disciplinary working and improving the ways in which different groups in the prevention field – practitioners, policy makers, researchers, communities – can work together.
- Save the date: 10th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, September 16th – 18th 2019, Ghent, BelgiumWe are pleased to announce that the 10th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting will take place on September 16-18, 2019, in Ghent, Belgium. The main conference takes place on the 16th and 17th, and workshops and meetings will take place on the 18th. The call for abstracts will open on 11th March, and close on Friday …
- 2019 Conference bank transferIf you would like to pay for your conference tickets by bank transfer, then please choose the invoice option on Eventbrite and check out. Then transfer the correct fee (in Euros) using the bank details below. Please note, your transfer must also include the correct bank transfer fees*, we will not be able to process …
- Early Career Bursaries EUSPR 2019We are offering 20 bursaries of €300 to Early Career participants to assist in covering conference and post-conference workshop expenses for our 2019 conference being held in Ghent (Belgium) 16th – 18th September 2019, with the post-conference workshops held on 18th September. Please note that bursaries will be paid shortly after the conference. If you …