If you would like to pay for your conference tickets by bank transfer, then please choose the invoice option on Eventbrite and check out. Then transfer the correct fee (in Euros) using the bank details below. Please note, your transfer must also include the correct bank transfer fees*, we will not be able to process your order if you have not included the fee:
Our bank details are:
Account name: Sociedad Europea para la Investigación en Prevención
Name of bank: CAIXABANK
IBAN of the account: ES8221000207520200427488
Then please email us to confirm that you have sent payment so that we can cross reference your payment.
*IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT BANK CHARGES*: In some cases banks may deduct a transfer fee from the instructed amount, for example if your account is not in Euro or if your country is not part of the EU. Please consider these charges when initiating the bank transfer to ensure that the correct amount enters our bank account. Your bank will be able to tell you the correct transfer fee.