2019 EUSPR Post-conference workshops

This year we have 3 workshops available in the morning session (9:30-12:30) and 2 workshops in the afternoon (13:30-16:30). *The workshops require a minimum of 10 participants* 

For workshop registration, please visit our Eventbrite page: EUSPR 2019 Post-conference workshop registration. Closing date for online registration is 8 September 2019.

Post-conference workshops will take place at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) of University College Ghent (HoGent) (Map):

Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK)
Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2
9000 Ghent


Morning session (9:30-12:30)

Workshop 1: The European Xchange registry and national prevention registries: How shall we move forward together? 

Nick Axford, David Foxcroft, Charlotte de Kock, Fabrizio Faggiano, Gregor Burkhart

Workshop 2: Early career workshop – Graphical approach to confounding in epidemiological studies – an introduction to Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

Rosaria Galanti & Elena Raffetti

Workshop 3: Workshop on Unplugged training

Peer van der Kreeft


Afternoon session (13:30-16:30)

Workshop 4: Workshop trainers from EUPC, EU-Dap Faculty, ASAP, Line Up Live Up, Good Behavior Game, Effekt

Peer van der Kreeft

Workshop 5: Optimizing behavior change techniques effectiveness

Gjalt-Jorn Peters