All EUSPR Conference Presentations
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The Plenary, Parallel, Special and Poster session presentations are available to download by EUSPR Members and conference attendees. The pre-conference workshop presentations can be downloaded by EUSPR Members, SPAN Members and workshop attendees. Please see the following links to download the conference and workshop presentations: Speaker Presentations Poster Presentations Workshop Presentations
We held a special guided poster session as part of Day 1 of the conference. There were prizes for the best Early Career Posters including cash prizes and one year’s free Society membership. The poster prizes were supported by the Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN). The winners of the poster competition were: 1st Place Viveca …
A new Board was elected during the EUSPR Members’ Meeting held on 16th October 2014 in Palma. The Board will cover the term 2015-2017. The President-Elect could not be filled due to a lack of candidacies (will be elected in 2015). Although the previous Board will formally serve until 31st December 2014, it was decided …
The conference presentations can be downloaded at the following links by EUSPR Members and conference attendees: Conference speaker presentations Conference poster presentations The workshop presentations can be downloaded at the following link by EUSPR Members, SPAN Members and pre-conference workshop attendees: Workshop presentations
EUSPR Members and 2014 Conference attendees Posters A selection of posters presented at the conference can be downloaded via the links below: 5_Alexandra_Morales – A one – year follow – up evaluation of a sexual – health education program for Spanish adolescents compared to a well – established program 11_Ondřej_Skopal – The relationship between self-esteem, impulsivity and …
EUSPR Members, SPAN Members and 2014 Pre-Conference Workshop Attendees 1. Optimising behavioural interventions – the MOST model and understanding effective prevention programme components. Convened by Prof Linda Collins and Prof Fabrizio Faggiano Preliminary comments – Fabrizio Faggiano Linda Collins 2. Economic analysis and the cost effectiveness of prevention – Introduction to Economic Evaluation of Health Care Interventions. …
EUSPR Members and 2014 Conference attendees Plenary Speaker Presentations Please see below for the PDFs of the presentations from the plenary speakers. Plenary Session 1_1 – Dr Franco Sassi – The Economics of Prevention Plenary Session 1_2 – Professor Fabrizio Faggiano – A plan to improve impact of prevention Scientific Round Table – Stephanie Lee – The …
Application lead’s contact details [contact-form to=’’ subject=’EUSPR Conference Co-Organiser Application’][contact-field label=’Your Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Title’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Position/Role’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Organization or Institution’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Address’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’City’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Postal Code’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Country’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Telephone (Country code – city code – number’ type=’text’/] Application details [contact-field label=’Proposed location for the conference, City’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field …
The Fifth EUSPR Annual Conference and Members’ Meeting will be held at the Centre de Cultura “SA NOSTRA”, Palma de Mallorca, Majorca on 16th – 18th October 2014, with pre-conference workshops on the 15th October. Entitled: Is an ounce of prevention still worth a pound of cure? The economics and value of prevention. This year’s …