All EUSPR Conference Presentations

EUSPR Conference and pre-conference workshop presentations are available to download by EUSPR Members. From 2013 onwards conference and pre-conference workshop presentations can also be downloaded by attendees of that year’s conference.

Please follow the links below to the presentations or follow the links embedded in each of the conference titles to that conference’s homepage.

2022 conference

Main session recordings

2020 conference

Welcome ceremony

The value of Prevention: A health economic approach to support decisionmaking

In how many ways can exceptional global events disrupt preventive work?

Embracing complexity and uncertainty to create impact

Parenting during COVID 19

Specific experiences with comprehensive substance use prevention interventions

The role of prevention scientists on climate change

Introduction to evidence-based prevention

2019 conference

Keynote presentations:

2018 conference

Keynote presentations:

2016 conference

Speaker presentations (Plenary and Parallel):

Selected poster presentations:

The workshop presentations: