Programme Conference booklet (updated) Conference flyerSpeakers Pre-conference Workshops
Is an ounce of prevention still worth a pound of cure? The economics and value of prevention.
The 5th EUSPR annual conference and members’ meeting took place in Palma de Mallorca, Majorca from the 16th to 18th of October 2014. With pre-conference workshops convened on the 15th October with our SPAN partners.
It is the aim of prevention science to better understand the determinants of health compromising behaviour, and to develop and evaluate responsive interventions and policies to promote wellbeing. These activities have typically aimed to determine whether prevention is safe and beneficial, but in a time of financial uncertainty and resource competition, greater priority is being placed on making the economic case for prevention – are the benefits of prevention worth the costs, and does society value these benefits enough to invest in prevention?
The conference explored the latest findings, methodologies and controversies in the field, but also asked what are the expectations of society towards prevention? Where should our relative priorities lie – for example, on improving population health, saving money, reducing inequalities, or emphasising treatment and law enforcement responses? The conference also examined the role of economic interests in prevention and how these may hinder or support prevention work.
Venue: The conference took place in the centre of historic Palma at the Centre de Cultura “SA NOSTRA”, c/ de la Concepció, 12. 07012-Palma. Palma is a safe and friendly city and is small enough to explore by foot, and has a very efficient public transport system for excursions further afield. See the following links for the venue’s website and a map of the venue:
We encouraged submissions that specifically examined the theme of the conference, but as always, welcomed work on all aspects of prevention science. This year’s Conference theme was Economics of prevention and the ‘value’ of prevention to Society. Presentations took place during parallel sessions, a poster session, and our post-graduate and Early Career Researcher session. The Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) project presented prizes with an equivalent value of €500 for the best posters by an Early Career Researcher.
The Plenary, Parallel, Special and Poster session presentations are available to download by EUSPR Members and conference attendees. The pre-conference workshop presentations can be downloaded by EUSPR Members, SPAN Members and workshop attendees. Please see the following links to download the conference and workshop presentations:
Speaker Presentations Poster Presentations Workshop Presentations
Members’ Meeting
All EUSPR Members were invited to attend the EUSPR Members’ Meeting, which included the elections for the 2015 – 2017 EUSPR Board. The meeting took place on the morning of Day 1 of the conference, 16th October, 9.30 – 12.15.
Please see the following links for details of the new EUSPR Board, and EUSPR Members’ meeting papers (Members’ meeting papers are available to download by EUSPR Members):
EUSPR Board Members’ Meeting papers
Note to attendants: Perhaps you attended our Palma conference but are not yet a member of the EUSPR. If so, we would encourage you to register as a member. Registration will ensure that, amongst other benefits, you receive our latest announcements and access to the conference presentations from all EUSPR conferences (please see each conference page for details of the presentations that are available for Members to download)
We are very pleased that the conference was co-organised with the European Institute of Studies on Prevention (IREFREA).
The conference was held in collaboration with the Centre de Cultura Sa Nostra, Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), D.G. de Salut Pública i Consum, Conselleria de Salut, Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (PNSD), the Social Research Unit, Dartington, UK, and the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University.
Pre-conference workshops were collaboration with SPAN.