EUSPR awarded four prizes plus two runner up prizes at their 7th Conference which was held in Berlin, Germany in 2016.
Award winners:
President’s Award – Avalon de Bruijn and colleagues
Prize: Certificate, plaque and one year’s free EUSPR membership. The President’s award winner will be invited to give the Society Lecture the following year
For an outstanding Prevention Science Research Paper in the past year.
Selection by:
- EUSPR President (Prof David Foxcroft, Oxford Brookes University, UK),
- President Elect (Dr Jeremy Segrott, DECIPHer Centre at Cardiff University, Wales, UK)
- Past President (Prof Harry Sumnall, Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
- Past President (Prof Rosaria Galanti, Karolinska Institutet, SW)
EUSPR Sloboda Medal – Gregor Burkhart
Prize: Certificate and medal and one year’s free EUSPR membership
For sustained contribution to the development of Prevention Science in Europe and internationally.
Nominations will be requested from the EUSPR membership with the final decision to be made by the EUSPR Awards Committee.
Leading European Prevention Science Practitioner Honour – Amador Calafat
Prize: Certificate, plaque and one year’s free EUSPR membership
For outstanding leadership of the adoption and implementation of evidence based prevention strategies, including support for further high quality research evaluation.
Nominations will be requested from the EUSPR membership with the final decision to be made by the EUSPR Awards Committee.
Early Career Researcher Prize – Aniek van Herwaarden
Prize: Certificate, plaque, and one year’s free EUSPR membership
For outstanding promise based on a paper or poster presentation at the Society annual meeting.
Selection by the EUSPR Awards Committee.
For the 2016 award, “early career” includes those who entered the prevention field through first job or commencing doctoral studies in 2008 or later; as well as current Masters and Doctoral students in a prevention-related discipline.
Early Career Researcher Prize 2nd place – Martha Canfield
Early Career Researcher Prize 3rd place – Nicole Gridley