Pre-conference workshops – EUSPR 2017

We are convening the following FREE (€0) pre-conference workshops and meetings on 20th September 2017 as part of our Vienna conference. If you would like to participate then you can book at the same time as conference registration.

1) Publishing addiction science in practice

Full day Early Career workshop convened by Professors Miovský, Pates, and Gabrhelík.

The main objective of the workshop is to familiarize attendants with one of the basic skills within scientific communication – to write a complete but concise description of your work that is to be published in scientific journal articles. Participants will be encouraged to acquire basic knowledge and skills needed for successful academic writing – therefore they are asked to bring an abstract of their own text (article, thesis etc.), title included; ideally both in electronic and paper form). The workshop is designed to support the practice of publishing in domestic and especially international journals and is closely linked to 3rd edition to monograph Publishing Addiction Science (see also Although the examples used in the workshop focus on ‘Addiction’ it will also be of great relevance for all prevention fields. The workshop will cover:

  • Role of title, abstract and key words in bibliometrics (purpose, impact factor, h-index, criticism…)
  • Authorship
  • Publishing guidelines (CONSORT, PRISMA, JARS, MARS…)
  • Publishing bachelor and master theses
  • Abstracts from the auditorium and their analyses – practical exercise.
  • What is the appropriate title of my work?
  • Key words

Prerequisite for the workshop is prior preparation of a title and abstract for your existing (or planned) paper (or Masters or PhD thesis etc.) and suggested key words.

2) Developing evidence-based prevention in Ukraine. How to begin and what to do first? 

3 hour meeting convened by The State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems (PARPA; PL)

Aims and objectives:  The general aim of the meeting is to initiate expert discussion on the best solutions for countries like Ukraine, with relatively limited experiences in prevention of risky behaviours. 

Specific objectives:

  1. Presentation of the specificity of contemporary situation in Lviv region
  2. Presentation of the current situation in the area of prevention and adolescents lifestyle and risky behaviours in Lviv region (based on the 2016 study results)
  3. Sharing and collecting ideas about the most urgent preventive needs and opportunities in the Lviv region
  4. Capacity building of prevention of addictive behavior in Lviv city:  experiences, suggestions and recommendations

Who would benefit from attending

  • researchers and practitioners from other countries who are interested in the situation in Ukraine – a country rarely represented at international meetings on preventive issues; and those who would like to extend their field of professional activity (to new geographical regions and new challenges related to the gap between West and East European experiences in preventive work).

What the expected outcomes will be: Formulation of ideas and proposals  concerning:

  • the necessary steps to be taken in order to develop evidence-based prevention in the Lvov region,
  • new partnerships and new projects.