Work Package 1 | Programme Management
WorkPackage 2 | SPAN Newsletter 1
WorkPackage 2 | SPAN Newsletter 2
WorkPackage 2 | SPAN Newsletter 3
WorkPackage 2 | SPAN Newsletter 4
WorkPackage 2 | SPAN Newsletter 5
WorkPackage 2 | SPAN Newsletter 6
Work Package 3 | Mapping European Tertiary Prevention Science Education and Training
Work package 4 | European Prevention Workforce Needs Analysis
Work Package 6 | Development of a Quality Plan
Work Package 6 | Quality Plan for Prevention Science Education and Training in Europe
Work Package 9 | European Credit Transfer and accumulations System (ECTS) Recognition and Award
Work Package 9 | Pan-European Prevention Science Framework | ECTS recognition and award
SPAN | Prevention Science in Europe | Recommendations for Future Action
SPAN conference 2016 – Prevention science in Europe
The unequal distribution of health outcomes across Europe poses a challenge to the EU’s fundamental objective of solidarity and cohesion. Alarmingly, 97% of health spending across Europe goes on treatment as compared to only 3% on prevention. Whilst Prevention Science is a relatively new field of study, it is one which is growing in importance. The increasing number of fiscal, environmental and social pressures facing the EU is forcing policy makers to search for more effective and efficient solutions. Prevention Science has the potential to be a part of this solution mix.
SPAN | Prevention Science in Europe | Recommendations for Future Action
The half day event delivered the following:
- An analysis of the requirements of those working and studying in the prevention science field.
- An analysis and proposal for the implementation of a post – graduate level curriculum in prevention science.
- An explanation on how the curriculum is designed to meet the needs of prevention researchers and practitioners, and the estimated health gains that would follow from implementing such a curriculum.
EUSPR and SPAN conference 2013
The fourth annual EUSPR conference was held in November 2013, bringing together prevention scientists from across Europe. SPAN sponsored four pre-conference workshops on: Development and specification of novel behavioral interventions; Designing and Planning Research to assess causality in complex interventions; Real world complex intervention research – recruitment, retention and process evaluation; and Testing Mediating Mechanisms and Moderating Factors in Prevention Work. The workshops were booked out and highly rated by the participants. As part of our commitment to build capacity, SPAN awarded 14 bursaries to young researchers and sponsored a poster competition. First place was awarded to Alessandro Coppo (Italy) second place Viveca Olofsson (Sweden) and third Martha Canfield (UK). Their posters can be found on the links below.
Poster1Alessandro Coppo.pdf
Poster2Viveca Olofsson Poster.pdf
Poster3Martha Canfield Poster.pdf
Examples of news releases
The SPAN project has issued “news releases” for dissemination in different countries and languages to spread good news about the project and key milestones. We have issued news releases via dissemination directly to the media, through dissemination and distribution within instiutional news and information channels, via our Linkedin account (not very often) and, most importantly, via our twitter feed @span_eu
Early Career Researcher prizes
This news release was issued at the end of 2015:
The European Commission funded Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) has, together with the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR), awarded early career prevention researcher prizes to three European researchers, from France, Croatia and the U.K. First prize was awarded to Boris Chapoton, project leader at the Centre Hygée – prévention des cancers, Saint-Étienne, France, for his presentation on how drinking and smoking messages were prevalent in television programmes that are most popular with French youth.
Also awarded prizes were Dijana Jerković, Government Office for Combating Drugs Abuse, Zagreb, Croatia, for her poster presentation on how personality attributes were not good predictors of cannabis use in students; and Milica Vasiljevic from the Behaviour and Health Research Unit, Cambridge, U.K., who presented a poster from a study showing that children who viewed adverts for flavoured, compared with non-flavoured, e-cigarettes were more attracted to and interested in buying and trying e-cigarettes.
Kick-off meeting
This news release was issued at the beginning of the project:
Oxford Brookes University is leading a new network of 32 universities and institutions across Europe to help prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and mental illness.
Non-communicable diseases are the most significant burden to society, and are often preventable, yet only a small proportion of national health budgets are spent on combatting them.
The European Commission (EC) are providing more than £500,000 in funding to support the launch of the Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) which will enable an international group of prevention scientists based across Europe to build a new wide-reaching field of scientific expertise to help prevent non-communicable diseases.
This news release was shared by a number of other organisations, including:
UK: European preventive medicine network to be led by Oxford Brookes
SI 1: Sporočilo za javnost: Na področju preventive nastaja nova močna evropska mreža
SI 2: Sporočilo za javnost: Na področju preventive nastaja nova močna evropska mreža
SK 1: Univerzita P. J. Šafárika preferuje prevenciu
SK 2: Univerzita P. J. Šafárika je členom siete 32 inštitúcií zameranej na prevenciu
SK 3: Košická UPJŠ je členom siete 32 inštitúcií zameranej na prevenciu
SK 4: Univerzita P. J. Šafárika preferuje prevenciu
SK 5: Univerzita P. J. Šafárika je členom siete 32 inštitúcií zameranej na prevenciu
ES: A USC participa nunha rede europea para a prevención das enfermidades con maior mortalidade
IE: New Preventative Science Network
SPAN newsletter
October 10. 2015; SPAN Newsletter 5
February 26, 2015: SPAN Newsletter 4
July 20, 2014: SPAN Newsletter 3
March 20, 2014: SPAN Newsletter 2
October 17, 2013: SPAN Newsletter 1
SPAN Progress report 2013.pdf
SPAN Annual report 2012.pdf