EUSPR Early Careers Forum

The Early Careers Forum offers early-career members of the EUSPR a dedicated platform for professional exchange and mutual support.


The EUSPR’s Early Careers Forum has been established to facilitate networking and shared learning among those members of the EUSPR who are still in the early stages of their career. It offers the first European and interdisciplinary platform for early-career researchers, practitioners and policy-makers interested in prevention research.

Specifically, the Early Careers Forum aims to offer:

  • Networking opportunities with fellow early-career researchers, practitioners and policy-makers across Europe
  • Information concerning prevention-related funding and job opportunities, upcoming conferences and interesting publications
  • A chance for early-career members to present and obtain feedback on their work
    Methodological and professional development support

The Forum started its work at the beginning of 2015 and will be formally launched during the Sixth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, 22-24 October 2015, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Please come along to our events during this year’s conference to help develop the Forum.

Full details about the Conference including the early careers related activities are available here.

See the Early Careers Forum webpage for further details of the forum including how to join:

Early Careers Forum