2020 Conference
2020 EUSPR Pre-conference workshops
For workshop registration, please visit our Ex Ordo page: EUSPR 2020 Pre-conference workshops registration. Workshop 1: Involving members of the public in the design and conduct of research: developing Public Involvement in Prevention Science (Early Career Workshop) Jeremy Segrott This workshop explores how researchers can involve members of the public in the design and conduct of Prevention …
11th EUSPR Conference update: virtual open format and abstract submission extended
Due to COVID-19 circumstances, the 11th EUSPR Conference will be presented for in a virtual and open format and the deadline for abstract submission has been extended until July 31 2020. Abstract proposals may be submitted through the Ex Ordo online platform (https://euspr2020.exordo.com/registration). Although different formats are available, we encourage presenters to select poster or oral poster presentations. All proposals …
The Eleventh EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting will be online!
The EUSPR Board has decided to move its Eleventh Conference and Members’ Meeting and Workshops to an online event. The face to face event scheduled October 7th -9th 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal is cancelled. The decision is taken due to the yet uncertain impact of the corona regulations on international travel and gatherings. The Conference Committee is working on a series of online meetings, webinars, and other virtual scientific activities during the conference week and will publish information in the first week of July 2020.
Eleventh EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, October 7th – 9th 2020, online event
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION EXTENDED! Our theme this year is ‘Make prevention science relevant for all: co-production and impact’ and our keynotes and special sessions will focus on reducing the gap between science and practice in prevention, understanding co-production and the role of policy makers, practitioners, communities and researchers to develop efficacious, sustainable and cost-effectiveness prevention interventions in practice. We invite you to prepare and submit abstracts on the conference theme, but also welcome submissions on all prevention science related topics, including discussion papers, and theoretical and methodological developments.
Save the date: 11th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, October 7th – 9th 2020, Lisbon, Portugal
We are pleased to announce that the 11th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting will take place on October 7-9, 2020, in Lisbon, Portugal. The main conference takes place on the 8th and 9th, and pre-conference activities will take place on the 7th. Early-bird registration will open on Friday 6th March, and registration will close on …