My country is not listed in the registration form. Can I participate in this conference?
Yes, absolutely. Just scroll all the way down and select “Other”. Countries not listed are considered Level C for registration purposes.
My registration is shown as “unpaid” but I have made a bank transfer, is there a problem?
Nothing to worry about! If you have chosen to pay your fees via bank transfer, it may take a couple of days until we manually process your payment. If your organization is processing the payment, make sure your details are mentioned in the bank statement.
I have registered for the virtual conference. How do I participate in the hybrid and virtual events of the conference?
Delegates registered for the virtual option will receive an email with the links for the hybrid and online events of the conference, as well as a Slack workspace invitation to interact with online and onsite delegates.
What should I prepare for my poster presentation?
Poster presenters should submit a poster (PDF) exported from PPT (or similar) in the “Final Submissions” section of Ex Ordo.
See examples of past presentations here and here. You can design similar posters using PowerPoint, Keynote, or other. Templates are readily available online; you can download the regular template and Early Career template. If you wish to use your own design, include the EUSPR and Conference logos.
When is the deadline to submit my poster?
Deadline has been extended to 22nd of September. You can submit your poster file in your Ex Ordo profile. If you need a step-by-step guide on how to do it, check the author’s support website for this and more popular articles.
As a presenting author, do I need to be available during my poster session?
Yes. Poster presentations will be uploaded in our Slack workspace and poster presenters will be able to interact with delegates in the Slack platform. You should be available during the session to receive feedback and answer questions.
What should I prepare for my oral communication?
Oral presenters can present using the format suitable for their discipline/purpose. For most, this will likely involve a slide deck (e.g., PowerPoint presentation) of some kind. Oral presentations do not need to be uploaded. Just make sure you bring a flash drive or similar with the presentation file to Sarajevo.
How much time do I have to present at the conference?
Oral communication’s times vary depending on the presentation format (oral communication, Pechakucha, Campfire). Check the live schedule in ExOrdo for more details.
What time is my presentation?
The schedule of the conference has gone live already. You can check it out live in your ExOrdo profile or you can access the pdf version here:
As a presenting author, should I attend the conference both days?
The scheduling procedure for allocating parallel sessions is quite complex. If you accept to present an abstract at the EUSPR Conference onsite, you should plan to arrive and depart with enough time to attend the whole conference.
Will I receive a certificate for my participation at the conference?
Authors will receive a certificate for their presentation, while attendees will receive a certification of participation upon request.
Will there be a book of abstracts or journal publication with my abstract submission?
The final programme will include all the abstracts and authors’ details. These abstracts will not be part of a journal publication, but if you are interested in publishing in the field of prevention science, get in touch with our Journal of Prevention editorial board.