Dear members of the European Society for Prevention Research,
I wish you all a prosperous and enjoyable new year. Hopefully we are expecting more and more intense encounters. Looking back on difficulties and suffering, we also have experienced and studied emerging, sometimes fierce facets of prevention. The online meetings EUSPR was able to establish showed that not only the changed mode of gathering was appreciated, but also the focus on COVID related topics we are working with.
We have several exciting activities ahead. First of all this year takes off with the renewed version of the well-known Journal of Primary Prevention. The journal is from 2022 on affiliated with EUSPR and will carry a new name. As an EUSPR member you have free access and will have lots of possibilities to submit articles, papers, briefs. The first edit is about to be published, stay up to date!
Our meeting and conference will this year take place in Tallin, Estonia, 28 to 30 September. With the theme “Prevention – Between Ethics and Effectiveness”, the Tallin team and scientific committee are preparing a strong program with a variation of meeting modes.
From this year on EUSPR is co-producing a Prevention Track in the LXAddiction conferences ( The 23-25 November 2022 conference in Lisbon will have a stronger and more intense presence of prevention expertise. You can submit abstracts for three themes: Cultures of prevention, Environmental prevention and Cross-domain prevention. Mind the deadline in the Abstract Submission page for LX Addictions: 31 January. Please take this opportunity to strengthen the voice of prevention science in this network of addiction professionals.
Looking forward to meeting you in the course of this year,
Peer van der Kreeft,
President of the EUSPR