Save the date: 12th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting, 29th September – 1st October, 2021, Online

Prevention in a COVID Recovery Society

We are pleased to announce that the 12th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting will take place online on 30th September – 1st October 2021, with workshops scheduled for the 29th September.

The theme this year is ‘Prevention in a COVID Recovery Society’ and the conference will discuss the challenges of planning and implementing prevention approaches in this new normality. We encourage participants to share their experiences on:

  • The impact of COVID 19 on health, health behaviours, and key risk and protective factors
  • Examples of projects working with communities to engage them in prevention approaches
  • Changes in how interventions are implemented in times of COVID
  • Challenges and possibilities of digital approaches
  • Lessons learned for prevention, policy making and human behaviour
  • Approaches to reduce health inequalities created by COVID
  • The role of prevention on climate change

The registration fee will grant you access to the following advantages:

  • Access to all 2021 Conference events
  • EUSPR Slack Workspace
  • Membership renewal for 2022
  • More EUSPR benefits

Fees have been determined in correspondence with the average academic salary of the country of employment, adjusted for the cost of living.

Group A countries: 135€ (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and the USA).

Group B countries: 95€ (Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, and Turkey).

Group C countries: 50€ (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. This category also includes all other countries in non-European territories that have not been mentioned above).

Students: 50€

You can set up your ExOrdo account and register for the conference here!

We invite you to prepare and submit abstracts on the conference theme, but also welcome submissions on all prevention science related topics, including discussion papers, and theoretical and methodological developments. Abstract submission is opened from Monday 15th of March until Tuesday 15th of June. Outcomes will be announced before the end of our Early Bird registration period”.

If you have any questions, contact the conference support at

EUSPR 2021 Scientific Committee