2019 Candidate statements – Treasurer

Helena Fialova
Prevention expert and lecturer, Department of Addictology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, CZ

Since 2007 I have been working in NGO Magdalena and starting cooperation with the Department of Addictology, Charles University, 1st Faculty of Medicine (CUNI). As a part of CUNI, I focus on quality and efficiency in primary prevention of risky behaviour and training professionals in this area. I refer to effective strategies in the area of risk behaviour prevention at international professional meetings, including the implementation of quality control of primary prevention standards in practice. As a PhD student, focus on Evaluation of UPC curriculum modifications to university and non-university educational and training programs, I´d like to continue in the quality process and it´s expansions.

As a treasurer, I will try to assist the EUSPR board in the area of funding (prepare the documents, reports to the board, supportive advice on proposed expenditure, financial condition check). I would also like to participate and support EUSPR Board during discussions on the development of the EUSPR strategy.