Mentor International have developed a Prevention Hub that coordinates and disseminates learning, resources, news and other materials from the world of drug prevention.
You are invited to take part in an independent research study designed to evaluate the Prevention Hub. Participation in this study involves completion of a brief online questionnaire that asks about you/your organisation and your thoughts about the Prevention Hub. This questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and will be administered once a year until 2015. If you decide to take part you are still free to pull out at any time and without giving a reason. The information you provide in this questionnaire will not be discussed with anyone in a way that will identify you. Please note that confidentiality can only be protected within the limitations of the law. The results of this study may be published in scientific peer reviewed journals.
Link to the survey:
If you would like more detailed information regarding the study and ethics approval please click here