The Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) has been awarded a grant by the European Commission Lifelong Learning programme (LLP) to support the establishment of a network of prevention scientists and educators across Europe. The project aims to improve the integration of prevention science in the higher education sector and to improve staff and student skill mobility across Europe; develop and share best practice in prevention science education training and workforce and; support the development of innovative ICT based content for prevention science.
SPAN will be collaborating with EUSPR to present two pre-conference workshops (on 15th October) at the EUSPR conference in Palma de Mallorca, October 16-18 2014:
1. Optimising behavioural interventions – the MOST model and understanding effective prevention programme components
2. Economic analysis and the cost effectiveness of prevention – Introduction to Economic Evaluation of Health Care Interventions
As part of SPAN’s aim to establish stronger links to professional networks, they have provided bursaries of up to €500 to young prevention scientists (PhD Students, Post docs) to assist in travel and accommodation costs associated with EUSPR/SPAN workshop attendance. The deadline for applications has closed.
See the following link for further details on the pre-conference workshops: