Contributions to NIGHTS 2013 is now open!

 nights2013The Nightlife Em-powerment and Well Being Implementation Project are happy to announce that the submission of contributions to NIGHTS 2013 is now officially open!

NIGHTS 2013. Health, pleasure and communities, is a first International Conference derived from the “Nightlife Em-powerment and Well Being Implementation Project (NEWIP –” supported by the European Agency for Health and Consumer (EAHC).

The idea of this conference is to gather in a single event nightlife stakeholders such as scientists, health professionals, volunteers, peer workers, club owners, public body representatives, party organizers and partygoers. The goal is to offer them a positive environment to share information about recent methods to improve the quality of the nightlife scene and the public well-being.

The submission of proposals is now open, for further details please see the website, or the flyer.

Visit the websiteDownload the flyer and programme