“Common risk and protective factors, and the prevention of multiple risk behaviours”
Several health related behaviours share common risk factors and comprehensive programmes could be effective by addressing them together.
Health services have tended to overlook the potential for prevention to intervene between the emergence of problems or vulnerabilities early in life and manifestations, for example, violence and aggression, criminality, risky sexual behaviour, obesity, mental health illness and substance use related problems later in life.
The 3rd EUSPR conference focused on the identification of such common factors implicated in several risk behaviours, and on the beneficial effects that prevention programmes or policies can have on multiple outcomes.
Programme Conference booklet Flyer
In a time where European prevention funding is being reduced, or is increasingly being merged into other more general health and wellbeing streams, the conference highlighted the importance of prevention work and promoted research on interventions with multiple behavioural and mental health outcomes.
Participants submitted papers on the conference theme. These included, but are not limited to epidemiological and aetiological research, studies evaluating the effectiveness of interventions or policies with multiple outcomes (e.g. substance use, eating habits, social and sexual behaviour, mental health as well as physical activity), or practice experiences carried out in specific populations.
The objective of the conference was to allow the drafting of a road-map for future international collaborative research, and to provide guidance to practitioners and policy makers about viable strategies at the Public Health level.
We held a special guided poster session as part of Day 1. There were prizes for the best poster including one year’s free Society membership and free conference fees for next year’s conference. Awarded presenters were invited to present and discuss their work to all conference delegates in a special session at the end of Day 2.
EUSPR Members can download the Plenary speaker presentations and the winning posters from the poster competition at the following links:
Plenary Presentations Poster Competition Winners
Photograph – Prof Zimmerman’s talk on ‘Adolescent Resiliency: Applications of Theory and Research’
Members’ Meeting Papers
The Minutes and Agenda for the Members’ Meeting can be downloaded by EUSPR Members at the following link:
Note to attendants: Perhaps you attended our Kraków conference but are not yet a member of the EUSPR. If so, we would encourage you to register as a member. Registration will ensure that, amongst other benefits, you receive our latest announcements and access to the conference presentations from all EUSPR conferences (please see each conference page for details of the presentations that are available for Members to download)
We would like to thank all participants as well as the conference sponsors, and the Mayor of the city of Kraków, Jacek Majchrowski, for their support.
The conference was kindly sponsored by the Polish State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems (PARPA), the Krakow Municipal Centre for Prevention of Addictions, Europe against Drugs (EURAD), and The European Commission’s Drug Prevention and Information Programme 2012.
The conference
proceeded under the patronage of the Mayor of the city of Kraków, Jacek Majchrowski