Manual: Set of standards to improve the health and safety of recreational nightlife venues


IREFREA – European Institute of Studies on Prevention has produced the manual as a result of the evaluation of a set of standards prepared as part of the Club Health project (co-financed by the European Commission under the Health Programme 2008-2013) to ensure adequate health and safety in recreational nightlife venues. (click here for the full document)

To ensure good health and safety in recreational nightlife contexts it is necessary to intervene on the

processes that determine the appearance of risks. Therefore it is imperative to know and effectively appraise the factors and mechanisms that can aggravate or reduce them. Effective measures can result in the health and safety risks of venues’ settings being minimised and the successful promotion of patrons’ well-being. However, ensuring that nightlife contexts incorporate adequate health and safety criteria requires the harmonization of many actors and needs. Therefore enhanced coordination between agencies at a European, national and local level, and between the public and private sectors, is much needed.

Full document