The Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) has been funded by the European Commission Lifelong Learning programme (LLP) to support the establishment of a network of prevention scientists and educators.  The project brings together experts from 32 European institutions to map the prevention science sector, improve education and training, build networks and run workshops with researchers, in particular young researchers.

The Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) seeks to address some of the key education and training priorities for the European Prevention Science sector that EUSPR has identified as being critical for the development of the discipline; and complement/augment the core activities of the European Society of Prevention Research. We anticipate that SPAN will hold workshops and meetings as pre-conference sessions at the annual EUSPR conference. Many of the SPAN researchers are EUSPR members and the SPAN project lead, Professor David Foxcroft, is EUSPR President.

SPAN’s website:

The EUSPR will feature the latest SPAN activities here on this site.